Friday, February 20, 2009

Pump up the volume?

Wow its been a year since I shared my thoughts on this blog.

I guess I've been spending too much time sharing them in the real world and now it's time to get virtual.

How did that Grease song go again?
Let's get virtual, let's get into to virtual, let me hear your body, no, that doesn't work. So if I'm going virtual will that mean we can hear our spirit talk? Now there's a thought I like.

I've spent ALOT of time coaching people of the past year.
Lots of people are interested in working through their stuff, all sorts of baggage that they carry around that weighs heavy on their hearts and minds.
Fascinating! wonders
never cease to amaze the mental hoops, loops, pirouettes and pinholes that people put themselves through when they are totally wrapped up in the mind.

Unfortunate that all this thinking doesn't burn more calories - no maybe on second thought its better this way, some people would completely disappear.

So I listen about the past and the future and the anxiety and the fear and it goes on until I ask what it feels like to focus on the present and connect with it .

Yah, how it feels; warm, pink, comfortable, scary, , lime green, fluffy, big, blury, sharp...what kinds of words, colors or sensations describe it.
IT being the present.

Its easier to connect if you close your eyes and turn OFF the volume in your brain.
Let's concentrate on the present.

Being present in the present.......Now there's a plan.

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